Become an ACS Affiliate Member

Realize the Potential of Your Profession and join the more than 400 professionals who work in ACS quality programs, in departments of surgery, participate in research, provide surgical education, are part of the operating room team or work for a medical association—ACS Affiliate membership is for you.

If you are an existing ACS member or created a log in from a prior purchase, use your log in to access the application. Otherwise you will need to create a log in.

Here's What You'll Need to Apply

• Your current contact information
• Information about your current employment
• Details about your education, professional license, and certification, if applicable
• A reference from a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons

For questions or to request your log in information, contact or call 1-800-293-4029.

ACS 2018 Fees and Dues
Application Fee: $50

Annual Dues
Allied health (surgical assistant*, physician assistant, and nurse): $200
*NSAA Members receive a $100 Discount of NSAA Annual Membership Dues as an ACS Affiliate Member. That’s Membership to both the NSAA and the ACS for only $400 per year!